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Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All

The Afghanistan Human Rights Center (AHRC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in March 2023. It was founded by a group of dedicated human rights defenders and former members of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.

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AHRC Background

In today’s tragic political, economic, and human rights situation impacting Afghanistan unlike no other situation in the…

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Afghanistan Human Rights Center Calls for Inclusive Agenda at UN Doha Meeting

Afghanistan Human Rights Center Calls for Inclusive and Human Rights-Centered Agenda regarding the upcoming UN meeting of…

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Afghanistan Human Rights Center MissionOur Mission

The mission of the Afghanistan Human Rights Center is to monitor the human rights situation in Afghanistan and to champion the rights of Afghans, both domestically and abroad. In a country where human rights violations have become increasingly prevalent, the Center’s role in documenting, investigating, and reporting these abuses is an urgent need and a crucial task. Its activities are not limited to monitoring; they extend to promoting and protecting human rights, human rights education and robust advocacy, research and awareness rising missions, aiming to bring accountability and justice to the forefront. The Center serves as a pivotal voice and resource, influencing global advocacy efforts and informing both the international community and the public about the ongoing human rights situation in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Human Rights Center VisionOur Vision

The vision of the Afghanistan Human Rights Center is rooted in the aspiration for a peaceful, just, and democratic Afghanistan where human rights are not only respected but are an integral part of everyday life. It envisions an Afghanistan where the rule of law is upheld, and all citizens, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, or belief, can live in dignity and equality. In this envisioned future, the Center seeks to be a driving force for positive change, contributing to a societal fabric where peace, conflict prevention, and justice are not distant ideals but tangible realities, ensuring a life of dignity and freedom for every Afghan.

Our Goals

Impacts and outcome of the programs

Educational Impact

Educational programs have fostered a greater understanding of human rights issues among Afghans, contributing to a more informed and engaged civil society.

Increased Awareness

The Center’s efforts have significantly raised awareness of the human rights situation in Afghanistan, both locally and internationally.

Policy Influence

By providing accurate and timely reports, the Center has influenced policy decisions and international responses to the human rights crisis in Afghanistan.

Human rights abuses are verified and reported

Human rights violations are systematic and widespread in Afghanistan, but because of the Taliban oppressive policy and crackdown against the CSOs and HRDs, the scale and scope of human rights abuses are underreported and unverified. The AHRC try to fill this gap in addressing gaps exist in monitoring human rights situation and investigating human rights abuses.

Strengthened Capacities

Local NGOs and civil society organizations have benefitted from capacity-building initiatives, enhancing their ability to advocate for and protect human rights.

Documentation and Legal Aid

The Center’s work in documenting abuses and providing legal aid has been instrumental in seeking justice for victims and holding perpetrators accountable.


we want.Help the Many People in Need.

<p style=”color:#ffffff;text-align:center;”>We Contribute to a society in Afghanistanwhere human rights are respected,protected, and fulfilled for all individuals including women, minority groups, and communities</p>


Our Focus

Thematic Areas

Human Rights Monitoring and Reporting

Regular monitoring and reporting on the human rights situation in Afghanistan, including civilian casualties and…

Peace and Conflict Resolution

Promoting peace leadership, conflict prevention, and resolution as essential components for human rights protection. Engaging…

Legal Aid and Transitional Justice

Providing legal support to victims of human rights abuses and contributing to transitional justice efforts….

Freedom of Speech and Minority Rights

Advocating for freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and association, and focusing on the rights of…

Children’s Rights

Addressing issues affecting children, including child labor, child abuse, Bacha Bazi, education disruption, displacement, and…

Women’s Rights

Concentrating on the protection and advocacy of women’s rights, including combating violence, discrimination, gender apartheid….


Take Part

How you could take part?

The Afghanistan Human Rights Center (AHRC) welcomes and values the support of individuals, organizations, and communities who share its commitment to human rights in Afghanistan. There are various ways to contribute to and participate in the center's mission

Advocacy and engagement

  • Community Engagement: Engaging in community outreach and education about the human rights situation in Afghanistan is vital. Supporters can host informational sessions, discussion groups, or film screenings to raise awareness.
  • Social Media Advocacy: Using social media platforms to share AHRC’s work, campaigns, and human rights updates can significantly amplify the center’s voice and reach a wider audience.

Become A Volunteer

  • Local and Remote Volunteering: The AHRC offers both local and remote volunteering opportunities. Local volunteers may participate in events, advocacy campaigns, and administrative support. Remote volunteers can contribute through research, translation, digital advocacy, and other online tasks.
  • Internship Programs: For those seeking a deeper involvement, the AHRC offers internship programs that provide hands-on experience in human rights work. These opportunities are ideal for students and young professionals interested in human rights, international relations, and Afghan affairs.

Make Donation

  • Financial Contributions: Monetary donations are crucial for the AHRC to sustain and expand its operations. Donations can be made through the center’s website, where various options for one-time or recurring contributions are available.
  • Fundraising Initiatives: Supporters can also help by organizing fundraising events or campaigns in their communities or workplaces. The AHRC can provide resources and guidance for these efforts.